
Trade Data User Cases & Solutions - Trade Data Pro


Finding suppliers to import goods has become easier than before with our Global Trade Data Pro platform. Our platform helps you connect with businesses around the globe at anytime and from anywhere. Access company data with contact details online and shortlist active exporters, track competitors' shipments and much more.
Get Supplier Information
Create a qualified list of potential suppliers around the globe and instantly search existing trading companies by location, trade information, business partners and many other filterable options available right through our dashboard.
Monitor Competitors' Trade
Follow up on import activities of your competitors, your trading partners and your prospects by accessing Import Export Data. Assess the market strategies of your competitors by understanding their market share and business performance.
Know & Understand Supplier Activity
If your supplier finds a new customer, that could affect your ability to get that supplier back and you have to look for a new supplier. If your supplier has spare capacity, you can negotiate a better price. Avoid getting into complex situations by accessing crucial data and keeping updated on your supplier's every business activity.


Identify and Connect with Potential Buyers
Create a qualified list of potential buyers by accessing company data online, connect and engage with the right businesses. See and analyse global demand of goods which you export from product-specific data.
Expand Business Network of Your Sales Team
A sales team's output is largely determined by the size of their network. We provide data that can help you exponentially increase that network to grab new business opportunities.
Proactively Monitor Buyer Activity
Access Export Data online and understand every trade activity of overseas buyers & their business partners to keep a tab on purchasing trends & product interests.
Increase Your Customer Numbers
Grow your customer base locally and abroad by accessing contact information of retailers, wholesalers and e-commerce businesses online. Achieve your sales target using company data and analytics.
Track Your Competitors' Exports
Gain visibility into export activities of your competitors and their trading partners to stand out from the crowd. Gain insights of competition level from the complete coverage of companies' export activities that you can access from our dashboard.
Determine Market Share
Access company data online to quickly identify and compare business of major players in your industry. Use our AI-based tools to know and analyse your market share by shipment volume, consignment weight, LCL (Less-Than-Container Load) and other technical grounds.
Follow New Prospects
Get full information on import and export companies that fit your target market. Find new business prospects by gaining access to valuable business information and statistics including company revenues, contact details, shipping volume and current trading partners.
Build Business Relationships
Explore new opportunities and build business relationships by analysing trade insights into the business of your customers and competitors. Trade Data can help you to optimise strategies to meet the changing needs of your customers.


Financial institutions

Fixed Revenue and Quantitative Analysts With our online trade data intelligence platform, generate investment plans by compounding comprehensive datasets with valuable trade insights.
Explore wide coverage of private, public and industry-focused Detailed Trade Data and insights.
Identify basic and factual information to structure your analysis for future utilisation.
Use reliable and factual Global Trade Data to become an expert in ESG.
Risk Analysts and Managers We provide industry-leading Trade Insights to evaluate credit risk, trade fluctuations and company information.
Find potential sources using Trade Data to effectively match with the criteria of your business.
Global Import Export Data enables you to gain ESG expertise to achieve sustainable growth.
KYC Specialists With the combination of Trade Intelligence Data and supply chain intelligence, we help financial groups to enhance their business by gaining greater visibility on high-risk counterparties. Get information on KYC Importers and KYC Exporters to know your counterparty.
Gather Trade Data of foreign companies with financial information to monitor their financial activities.
Detailed Trade Data enhance your supply chain analytics by giving you a larger view on international trade.
With AI-based intelligence, get all important details of companies and industries.
Data Scientists Uncover potential business opportunities from high-end Bilateral Trade Data and Market intelligence solutions.
Our data covers millions of global transactions that help you gain essential intelligence to assess potential deals and maximise business strategies.
Directly access Trade Insights through AI-integrated online intelligence platform and make the best use of information & insights into your business.
Law Firms Collect information and expand your toolkit for critical work stream like business progress, transfer pricing, M&A dealings and conflict steadfastness. Our Trade Intelligence Platform helps law firms to best serve & retain clients, lay the groundwork for new cases or hinge into new markets.
Business Development Officers & Marketing Managers Access essential intelligence for sustainable growth as trade data is crucial to monitor market trends, stay ahead of the competition and get updates on key developments.
Conflicts & Dispute Resolution As Global Trade is becoming more complex day-by-day, conflicts have become common. For resolving conflicts and disputes, detailed trade data is important to make concrete recommendations to leadership.
M&A Lawyers A smooth transaction is the result from Accurate Trade. M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) lawyers use Trade Insights to assess credit and analyse transactions.


Risk Managers
Our import export data and intelligence provides end-to-end solutions for risk managers to professionally evaluate the complete spectrum of credit risk exposure in a volatile environment. Our global trade statistics enables you to improve your data collection process and save valuable time.
Investment Managers
Our trade data helps investment managers to analyse the trade markets in terms of finance, and make better investment decisions. Easily identify trends in your niche markets to drive your business and target in the trade activities going on around the globe.
Product Managers
Keep track of what your competitors are offering by accessing detailed trade data or shipment data on product filings and rate filings, and develop new products for your customers that help you stay ahead in the market. Through our trade insights , get industry-precised metrics of trade intelligence and financial information of your competitors.
Gain access to up-to-date global trade data with information on product filings, monitor the insurance market and conduct market research. Get valuable trade data to analyse financial securities for insurance companies in relation to all the trade variables.
Decision Makers
Analyse your concerned sector-specific data including rate of interest, market share of companies in trade and revenue-based global import export statistics to make better decisions. Get trade analytical reports and analytical data with business information to study competitor activity.

Consulting and Research

Data Consultants
Combining research material with business expertise, consultants use our Import Export Trade Data to create actionable decisions. Achieve technical capabilities about your niche Market for a consistent business growth.
Market Analysts
Access Trade Intelligence Data with advanced tools to gain wider perspective and have better market understanding. Map the market for specific products and industries from latest Global Trade Data to refine your results differentially with our online platform.
Supply Chain Researchers
Identify, assess and mitigate the risk in your end-to-end supply chain using complete Detailed Trade Data and research-based market analytics. Through our Trade Data and Market Analytics, discover new tools and techniques to undertake research tasks.
Company Analysts
Calculate the market share of companies dealing in International Trade at worldwide locations using our bill of lading data and expand your research to even company specific as well. Exclusive trade data helps consultants to analyse and draw insights about companies.

Sales and Marketing

Find Sales Prospects Use our intuitive Import Export Data Online to identify prospects based on commodities imported, track your present prospects to ensure your business endeavors achievement is consistent. Access Detailed Trade Data for finding and engaging with new prospects for your business.
Improve Performance With our Trade Data and analysis reports, achieve your numbers by building a team of talented sales professionals. Boost your business strategies using our comprehensive Global Trade Statistics and insights.
Track Targets Access Trade Data Online to track trends in your targeted commodity, market, region, or company, and corporate information into all aspects of the marketing organisation. With our global import export data , build workable marketing strategies for future growth.
Pricing Strategies With our Trade Data, develop pricing plans at the customer-product level and optimise pricing to improve profitability according to latest trade market trends. From Historical Trade Data , compare current pricing scenario with past prices of traded goods to improve profitability and business performance.

Asset Management Companies

Access industry-specific insights and information to target right kind of companies and investment opportunities for fueling your investment strategies. Leverage the potential of Import Export Statistics and workable insights.
Data Management
Our Trade Insights help you conduct sophisticated research, prepare customised reports and collect essential information needed for a streamlined workflow.
Build efficient strategies to uncover sources of risk, and also gain a clear understanding of your trade investment results. Evaluate trade risk, research and complete your portfolio construction process by accessing our Global Trade Statistics . Gain essential insights and study your company performance with detailed analytics to come up with strategies for growing your business.
Data Analysis
Our in-depth Bilateral Trade Data and analytics enables you to uncover new investment insights. With research-specific targeted products, researchers, quantitative analysts and portfolio, managers create unique strategies and gain insights into new sources of potential business.
Connection Buildup
Get information of detailed company profiles and robust intelligence from our Trade Database including corporate relationships, company database, key developments and more. We provide Global Trade Data and key solutions such as exclusive information of potential prospects to identify important company contacts for utilising efforts and instantly combine with your proprietary datasets for refined analytics. Create meaningful business connections with relationship data and insights.

Academic Institutions

Data Accuracy

Get authentic and verified Import Export Data with accuracy for information on trade market.


With Global Trade Data , redefine how you represent your research through our data to your target masses.

Market Trends

Keep your knowledge about international market trends up to date by our Trade Data over a set time period.

Precisely Standardised

Standardised data with precise Trade Data information helps you design a thorough and credible research.

Government Agencies

Track Trade Activities

Advanced AI-based network intelligence and Detailed Trade Data help Government Agencies to identify illicit trade activities across Shipment Records before any consignment reaches at the border.

Promote Trade Efficiently

With instant access to Trade Insights of millions of global companies, determine where to promote businesses for maximum return and efficiency. We provide Import Export Trade Data that is essential at any level of international commerce. Know the industries that matter to you and your trading partners.

Boost Tariff Revenues

We provide Global Trade Statistics that helps government agencies to gain useful insights of systematic tariff evasion at the company, port or shipment level and recover lost revenue.